Sunday, 09 March 2025
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Things I Think I Think About Star Fox Zero's Delay

Added: 21.09.2015 14:17 | 141 views | 0 comments

NWR: Caution: Contains large quantities of Amiibo. Seeing a Twitter direct message from Neal about Star Fox Zero's delay is a hell of a thing to wake up to. Nintendo's announcement last night of the delay of Star Fox Zero to Q1 2016 is not without precedent. Recall that in 2013, Super Mario 3D World was moved up to the November slot as Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was moved to December, then February 2014. And it worked out pretty well critically, even if the sales weren't as strong as they could've been. But Tropical Freeze was held back because it was Nintendo's retail lineup for the Wii U in the first quarter of 2014; Star Fox Zero is being delayed for quality concerns.


Remembering Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)

Added: 21.09.2015 14:17 | 130 views | 0 comments

NWR: It's a strange game, but it's still part of the Super Mario Bros. series. Super Mario Bros. turns 30 this month. The fact that we are still talking about this game and series after all these years is a testament to how significant it has been since the start. Throughout the course of the month we here at Nintendo World Report will be sharing our thoughts and memories of different games in the Super Mario Bros. series. Today we are discussing Super Mario Bros. 2.


Super Mario Maker Hangs Tough in UK Charts as Splatoon Finally Bows Out

Added: 21.09.2015 10:15 | 126 views | 0 comments

Article: Super Mario Maker Hangs Tough in UK Charts as Splatoon Finally Bows Out

Ink-splatting shooter squeezes into individual format top 40, though


SuperPhillip Central: Super Mario Maker (Wii U) Review

Added: 20.09.2015 20:17 | 106 views | 0 comments

Phil writes,, "Super Mario Maker is the complete package, and I can't think of a better way to commemorate the Super Mario Bros. series's 30th anniversary. Offering a robust level creator utilizing a pain-free and intuitive interface, Super Mario Maker is the real deal. It is without a doubt one of the easiest level creators on the market, and it allowing players to create their dream Mario courses is just the icing on this delicious 30th anniversary cake. Some oversights in the ability to find good levels easily holds the game back some, but Super Mario Maker not only makes levels, but it makes the grade, too."


Super Mario Maker review | Gamesblip

Added: 20.09.2015 18:17 | 106 views | 0 comments

Gamesblip offers their opinion on Nintendo's Super Mario Maker for the Wii U.


Review: Super Mario Maker (Nintendo Wii U) | Digitally Downloaded

Added: 20.09.2015 9:17 | 127 views | 0 comments

DD: The idea of making my own Super Mario levels has been a dream of mine for literally decades. Sure there have been shady means to do it through emulation, but I just did not have the time nor the patience for that. But fast forward to 2015 and my dream has come true. I suspect many people feel the same way, and it's just as well that Super Mario Maker does it so very, very well.


Super Mario Maker review (Wii U Daily)

Added: 19.09.2015 20:17 | 107 views | 0 comments

Wii U Daily: "For Mario fans and those who love creating things in general, Super Mario Maker offers a great package."


Super Mario Maker Review Lets Get Making | GeekSnack

Added: 19.09.2015 17:17 | 100 views | 0 comments

GS:" When Super Mario Maker was announced two years ago, I was instantly in love with the idea of playing Super Mario stages created by players. At the same time, I wasnt very interested in the actual creation of stages: designing a good stage requires time and effort and I wasnt really sure I would be motivated enough to work on a course for long periods of time. As soon as I got my hands on the game and played through the short tutorial, however, I realized I was very, very wrong. Super Mario Maker is an incredibly addictive experience that takes you in and doesnt let you go easily."


Super Mario Maker Review - NNF

Added: 19.09.2015 13:17 | 104 views | 0 comments

An abstract from the review: Our beloved Mario is turning 30 this year. It only seemed like yesterday that we we were playing Super Mario Bros on our NES, jumping from left to right to save the Princess at another castle. Nintendo see's it befitting to celebrate the Italian's 30th Birthday with a brand new title in Super Mario Maker - a game that empowers the players with the tools and imagination to create their very own Super Mario levels. Super Mario Maker is a unique title that is familiar and yet strangely exotic for long time fans. The question still remains. Is Super Mario Maker the perfect present for our favorite plumber. Read our review to find out!


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